How to Treat Hypoglycemia With Acupressure
Acupressure takes the techniques of Chinese acupuncture and eliminates the needles. Instead, pressure is used on certain points in the body to influence organs and affect health. Use the pressure points described below to work on hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.
Learn the technique of applying pressure. Use the ball of the thumb or middle finger for seven seconds on the pressure point, circling in a clockwise direction to stimulate the point. The amount of pressure should be what you could withstand while pressing your eye.
Go to a different location, if pressure on the original point causes pain to appear in a different spot. That second spot is an area crying out for treatment.
Apply pressure to the ball of the middle finger to relax the upper stomach.
Use pressure on a spot about 3 inches above your ankle on the inside of your leg or on a point behind your knee, on the outside edge where a slight depression exists, to improve digestion.
Stimulate the spot on the outside of the crease made when you fold your arm.
Switch to the fleshy part between the first and second toes and press.
Use pressure on a spot on your neck about four finger widths from the Adam's apple.
Tips & Warnings
While treatment can be done at any time, it's best one hour after meals.
Give the acupressure treatments about a week to work to see if there is a difference in your hypoglycemia.
Do not discontinue any medication without consulting with your doctor.
Acupressure takes the techniques of Chinese acupuncture and eliminates the needles. Instead, pressure is used on certain points in the body to influence organs and affect health. Use the pressure points described below to work on hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.
Learn the technique of applying pressure. Use the ball of the thumb or middle finger for seven seconds on the pressure point, circling in a clockwise direction to stimulate the point. The amount of pressure should be what you could withstand while pressing your eye.
Go to a different location, if pressure on the original point causes pain to appear in a different spot. That second spot is an area crying out for treatment.
Apply pressure to the ball of the middle finger to relax the upper stomach.
Use pressure on a spot about 3 inches above your ankle on the inside of your leg or on a point behind your knee, on the outside edge where a slight depression exists, to improve digestion.
Stimulate the spot on the outside of the crease made when you fold your arm.
Switch to the fleshy part between the first and second toes and press.
Use pressure on a spot on your neck about four finger widths from the Adam's apple.
Tips & Warnings
While treatment can be done at any time, it's best one hour after meals.
Give the acupressure treatments about a week to work to see if there is a difference in your hypoglycemia.
Do not discontinue any medication without consulting with your doctor.