How to Use Physical Therapy as a Rehabilitation Tool

How to Use Physical Therapy as a Rehabilitation Tool

Injury, surgery and disease may all require physical therapy for effective rehabilitation. Depending on the severity and type of injury, certain types of rehabilitation may not be an available or preferred method of treatment. Seek a licensed physical therapist who's concerned with decreasing overall pain and increasing mobility. Follow these steps to consider using physical therapy as a tool for rehabilitation.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Find a Physical Therapist to Help With Rehabilitation After Injury


Learn about alternatives to standard physical therapy. Some injuries are best treated using non-weight-bearing methods like Pilates and yoga.


Follow the treatment plan set forth by your physical therapist. Practitioners take into account many individual factors that contribute to your injury. Look for the most beneficial plan.


Consider changing your habits. Add exercise and proper diet to assist the therapeutic methods in the healing of your injury.


Tell your practitioner if you are experiencing an increase in pain. Small modifications can be made to eliminate additional pain.

Create a Positive Rehabilitation Plan for Stroke Suffers


Encourage stroke sufferers to start physical therapy as early as possible to regain mobility. Patients can learn to regain simple muscle control with exercise.


Seek speech therapy as a tool for stroke suffers who may have difficulty speaking clearly. A stroke often impairs motor skills as a result of the blockage in the pathway that transports protein rich blood to the brain.

Contemplate Purchasing Equipment for Continued Recovery


Talk to your therapist about easy to use products that can be bought at area sporting goods stores. It may be possible to use an item like an inversion table, as a tool to assist recovery.


Look at online retailers for better prices on hand or ankle weights. Increasing strength slowly is imperative to preventing additional discomfort.


Find a therapy ball to help stretch and strengthen the lower back. The primary benefit of the therapy ball is its gentle approach to controlled stretching. Balls can be purchased inexpensively.

Tips & Warnings

Call the state medical board to check your practitioner's certifications.

Seek referrals from other physicians to find a reputable therapist.

Use caution to prevent further injury when performing at-home exercises.

Don't begin rehabilitation programs until your doctor has assessed your injury and approved exercise.

If you feel acute pressure in your chest during treatment, go to the nearest emergency care facility.